Friday, October 2, 2009

I'm Still Standing

I can’t believe that I haven’t written since January! Well, better late than never. Really though, it had been so long, I took it upon myself to re-read my past posts. My first observation is that…well, I’m a bit prolix. My promise to you is that I will keep it brief.

Second, so much still does ring true (despite all my hot air), especially the key takeaways from the post on Outliers (the part about Practical Intelligence, the link between job satisfaction with effort and reward and, finally, how making something meaningful helps to connect effort and reward.)

I told you I was considering taking the GMAT (not anymore), I had trained and run the NY Marathon (I have not run longer than 3 miles since), I was bordering on burnout (the status of this one’s complicated), I introduced the Waltons, the Keatons and the Huxtabiles (an had my identity ‘stolen’ since), I embarked on developing a TLC (The Lifestyle Calculator is style a myth). Lastly, ‘08 was great and ‘09 was fine (the latter, not so much). The economy is still in the throes of a recession and I’m on the frontline: I lost my job on September 14.

The definition of DONEDOTCOM has come to take on a whole new meaning now. It starts with a clean slate for me as I can choose my own adventure now. I plan to take you along as I reinvent myself starting by a commitment to try and write daily when I got out to Napa for a week to work harvest. It’s also that time again, Sober October!

What was I thinking?

1 comment:

  1. you go, girl. you're one of the smartest, coolest and most talented people i have the honor to call friend. a window of opportunity has opened for you. jump through.
