Wednesday, January 6, 2010


So it's 2010.  It didn't occur to me it was the end of a decade as well until a friend mentioned that New Year's Eve felt more significant for it.  I started my new job Monday and had an offsite meeting at a vineyard today (I know,  boo hoo) but I realized as I was driving through wine country, it was a decade since I'd been to that exact area.  I remember in 1999 on NYE, the end of the millennium, I was NOT where I wanted to be.  Literally, I did not want to spend my new year's eve the way it ended up being planned.  This new year's, I was exactly where I wanted to be.  What a difference a decade makes.

Now that my DONEDOTCOM trial is over, I thought I should do a report on what I did.  I will say, there was incredible change but also I shake my head over the fact that I did not in fact write the great American novel, nor did I sculpt six pack abs during my time off.  I did work crush at a winery, get engaged, move to the West Coast, find a new job and buy a 'real' car for the first time in my life.  I think too often we measure ourselves by what we haven't done versus what we have.  Saying that gives the title of this blog a different meaning as well.  Last year my resolution was to DO less and I think I will renew that subscription.  

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